Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Three Unexpected Places to See Original Art

Typically the first place people think of to see original works of art is a museum. Today, many communities, nonprofit organizations and businesses appreciate the value of public art and invest time and money in making art available to everyone.

Public art is art work that is displayed in public spaces, available to all at no charge.

Here are 3 places to view art for free that might surprise you:

1.  Airports

Philadelphia International
Art at the Airport
Many airports display art from local museums, community artists or private collections in the airport terminals. Most often, we rush through the airport either to make our flight or retrieve our bags and leave. As air travel layovers have increased, airports are forced to find ways to entertain a restless public with too much free time while waiting at the airport.

Airports with art on display include:

  • Philadelphia International Airport
  • Reagan National Airport 
  • Atlanta Airport
  • Vancouver International Airport
  • Helsinki Airport
Next time you're rushing through the airport, slow down and and see what's on display!

2.  Community Colleges
Local community colleges are frequently trying to attract the public onto their campus, typically as part of a long-term strategy to build awareness to grow enrollment. Many community colleges feature art exhibits by students, community artists, or traveling art exhibits.

Frequently art exhibits at community colleges are accompanied by educational activities including: 
  • artist talks 
  • receptions and meet and greets
  • special lectures and events

3.  Public Libraries
NYPL Art Exhibits are Held at 92 locations
Many public libraries offer art exhibits, and special programs to introduce the exhibit to the community. Public libraries that have built a strong reputation for the art exhibits include
  • New York Public Library
  • Denver Public Library
  • Chicago Public Library
  • Boston Public Library
  • Los Angeles Public Library
tip: Many public libraries lend art, just as they lend books or DVDs. You can display a new artwork on your wall every month!

Art exhibits are offered free at many public venues all over the world - and probably in your community! Visit an exhibit today - and I encourage you to take a child, and introduce him or her to a lifetime appreciation of art.

a la prochaine,


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